Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Sketch Up

Hey, Forrest here, I just remembered a program that I really enjoy! It is a free program by Google but for some reason they haven't publicized it much. I think that it is so great! Its called Google sketch up it is a free 3d design program. Here's a link to some of the things I have designed.

hope you like it.

Cheers Forrest

1 comment:

Edgewalker said...

Wow, that's cool. I didn't know Google had something like that. I used to fool around in 3D Studio Max's limited Shareware and also Lighwave studios stuff and I couldn't belive how involved some of those programs are. It is insanely difficult to do good 3d modeling, let alone animation. I have a great deal of respect for some of those artists out there who can manipulate those programs so well. It's incredible.