Saturday, December 2, 2006

ms paint god!!!!

This guy is so crazy! I could only hope to have a hundredth of this guy’s talent

I just thought this was so cool!

cheers, forrest

Hair cut

IMG_0258, originally uploaded by magicfap.

Hey, here is a picture of my hair right now! I will be making this my avatar soon since my avatar right now is very outdated. When I actually get around to getting my hair cut I will post picks.

cheers, Forrest

A couple of cool websites you should go to!

A couple of cool websites you should go to!
I just was looking for some cool websites and I found a great list here's some of the highlights. You may have seen some of these but here you go! (online chatting interface! no downloads) (online office apps)

I'll change the post if I find any more!cheers, Forrest


Good morning, I was just trying to think about what I was going to post next, so I went to my bookmarks and found one that I think is really cool. It is a website that, you can answer R&D questions for money. I thought I would tell everyone about it because everyone loves money =)!

Cheers, Forrest