Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Google Talk

I just downloaded Google talk on to my computer so that i can chat with everyone... that is if I knew any one with google talk. If you are reading this (witch you probobly wont be for a long time since i just started my blog today) then leve your google talk or skype name as a comment and mabee we can talk! any ways i should go finish the installer for it.

cheers, Forrest

Damn interesting

For my next blog post I thought would share my new find with the blogging public. http://www.damninteresting.com i found this while doing an assignment for my world history class. My teacher Mr. O'Neill gave us an assignment that i thought was totally random ( can you find what is common between giant centipedes and the Ebola virus... neither can I). Then as I researched I realized that 2 of the websites I had gotten info off of were one and the same. I thought what I was looking up was interesting so I went to the main page to bookmark it and low and behold it was another one of the things I hade to search for. I looked around the site a bit and thought it looked cool so thought I would share it with you.I

cheers, Forrest

New to this

Hey it me and I just thought that I would post something to try this out... I'm new to this blog thing so I thought I would just talk about what’s been going on in my life and what I am interested in at this time. You may not know this about me but I am a very random person... I am always doing something new.Here is a list of all of the things I've been doing lately.magic (this seams to be the only on going passion)instructables (I check it every day) you can check out my stuff at http://www.instructables.com/member/Magicfap/google docs (I'm working on a TV show called odd points in history)blogger (obviously I’m starting a blog!)