Friday, December 22, 2006

Free Geek

Yesterday I walked downtown with a friend. We went to free geek (a local company) to volunteer. The company is built around the idea that anyone without the money to buy a computer should get one for free. I really like computers so when I learned about the place I was thrilled. Yesterday I spent my day doing "triage". Triage is basically taking apart CPUs and replacing the parts that don't function with parts that do. For instance when I was there I replaced a CD drive in one computer that would not eject. After I had replaced it I tested the computer by hooking up a monitor a keyboard and a mouse. Also I got to help set up the company's router. All I did was installed a few network cards and hooked up a hard drive. I am lucky because I am coming in at the start of the Olympia branch. I hope that that means that I will be able to learn early and teach others that come to the business how to do some of the things that I have learned to do. If you live in Olympia or in Portland then you should check it out.

cheers, Forrest