Saturday, December 30, 2006


Well a while back I gave a link to well unluckily I gave the wrong link. But now that’s fixed and I added a thing so that you can chat with me!!! Unfortunately you can’t chat with anyone else unless you sign up with meebo. But it is pretty cool so if you do just add magicfap to you buddies list. I’ll talk to you soon if you try it out.

Cheers, Forrest

PS if you want a better name than just meeboguest38123394 then just type it in where it say nickname!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Chrismahaunakwanzica and beyond

Since before chrismahaunakwanzica I have had lots of fun. As a present, I got a new cellular...=] yay! Now I can spend money on lots of useless things like games. Another thing I got was a subscription to a magazine called "MAKE: technology on your time" it is a really cool magazine that is kind of like a magazine of instructables projects. It is really fun and I'm looking forward to building that ornithopter! Anyways I hope that everyone celebrating this holiday season had a good holiday and was satisfied.

cheers, forrest

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Hair cut.. this time its for real

So, I finally cut my hair. and i photo documented the whole thing.. so here they are.. in time order... THE PICTURES!!!!

ahh the hair is eating my face

i just found a new recipe for Jello salad!

mullet...need i say more

before the shower

and after the shower!

hope you like it =]

Friday, December 22, 2006

Free Geek

Yesterday I walked downtown with a friend. We went to free geek (a local company) to volunteer. The company is built around the idea that anyone without the money to buy a computer should get one for free. I really like computers so when I learned about the place I was thrilled. Yesterday I spent my day doing "triage". Triage is basically taking apart CPUs and replacing the parts that don't function with parts that do. For instance when I was there I replaced a CD drive in one computer that would not eject. After I had replaced it I tested the computer by hooking up a monitor a keyboard and a mouse. Also I got to help set up the company's router. All I did was installed a few network cards and hooked up a hard drive. I am lucky because I am coming in at the start of the Olympia branch. I hope that that means that I will be able to learn early and teach others that come to the business how to do some of the things that I have learned to do. If you live in Olympia or in Portland then you should check it out.

cheers, Forrest

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Lately (for the past 2 days or so) I have been enthralled by a book... Ender's game... I have spent most of the past few days listening to this book on my Mobiblu cube (the world’s smallest mp3 player). I am able to do this because I learned from my mom that the library offers mp3 sound books which can be found for anyone living near me here). I learned that with a click of a button and not much time at all I can download up to 4 books from the online catalog. There are some pretty good titles. If you don't live near me you should check out your library website or tell your library about the program...the one downfall of it is that it doesn't play on iPods. Anyway that’s what I've been doing lately... It is very interesting to listen to a book on tape again (I used to do it all the time). Check to see if your library has something like this... It’s great because you can check things out without going all the way to the library.

Monday, December 18, 2006


I just remembered that I have Firefox. My favorite thing about it is all the add-ons. I just downloaded greasemonkey! It’s so awesome. I just learned how to remove all of the ads on the web, and it really works. I really enjoy everything that Firefox can if you don't have it you should get it because it rocks.

cheers, Forrest

earth chapter2

Here’s the start of chapter 2 =]

Johan and Tessin slowly walked down the road. I had been four days since they had left the house. Johan knew of an inn that was not far away, four miles or so, he thought. He was light hearted thought because of being away form the man. He felt as free as a bird, but he needed to get away even farther than where they were now, even miles away. He could feel in his heart that the man was too close.

“How are you doing?” he asked his mother

“Fine, I bet we can make it to the inn by night fall” she replied

Johan realized that he had never been this far away into the woods before. He started to notice how dark and dismal it was in the forest. It seamed that it had never felt this uninviting before. He shook off the feeling of uneasiness and went on. At just before dark they came into a clearing of the forest and saw a good sight, the Inn. Together they walked up to the door of the inn and went inside.

Inside sat a tiny dwarf of a man behind the counter. He glared at the two strangers and asked them what they wanted. Johan replied that they were looking for a place to stay the night. He thought for a minute and asked them what they could give him for a room. Johan was about to get the money when his mother touched his arm to stop him.

She said “We will work, if you need it.”

The man thought for a while and then said “All right…take the room downstairs.”

Johan and Tessin went down the stairs to the room below.

It was a dank room, cramped, with just room for a sleeping mat and a small chair. There was a single candle in the middle of the room.

“Why did you stop me from paying?” Johan said.

“Because you must save what little we have for a worse situation.” Tessin replied

Johan thought about what she had said and offered Tessin the bed. She accepted, wearily, and they both fell asleep.

Johan woke up to the sound of a bell.

He jumped out of the chair that he had slept in. It took a few seconds to realize where he was. He then bent down and softly woke his mother. They would need to get up as fast as possible.

hope you like it, forrest

Saturday, December 16, 2006

winter break!

So as you can see my blog has fallen by the wayside lately (I've been on the phone for literally like a week...) well I’m back and you have to live with me for a whole 2 weeks... that’s right. I’M ON WINTER BREAK! In fact I got off a day early. The reason?, you may ask. The power went out in every place in my town except for my house. (So I can still write the blog). I got to school at 7:45 and there was no one there... I was pumped. Today is the first official day of winter break... so I guess you will have to live with a couple of weeks of my rants... oh well it can’t be that bad (I’ll try and write more on Earth)… Anyways, I should go now but I’ll work on Earth and post more later.

Cheers and watch for more in the next 2 weeks, Forrest

Friday, December 8, 2006

palendromes s emo dnelap

So recently I was listening to a song by Weird Al called Bob. I remember when I first heard the song I thought that it was a weird song. Then I realized that the whole thing was palindromes.I mean who would have guessed that "rats live on no evil star" was a palindromeI just think that anyone that can come up with a palindrome must be incredibly smart. Then my mom showed me a website with the world’s longest palindrome. I think that this must be the most amazing thing I have ever seen... I don’t know I think it’s pretty cool. If you know any interesting ones then you should post them in a comment so that others can enjoy them.

cheers forrest (tserrof sreech)

Hair cut: its not happening?

Sorry that I haven't posted in the past few days. I seem to have a case of writers block (anyone who has a blog knows this. Anyway, then a few things came into my head. The first one that came into my head was the fact that I am not going to cut my hair now (even if I am a hippy and a crazed penguin). Anyway I asked some people and no one wanted me to cut it off, I even had someone beg me not to. So I decided since I didn't really care, I would leave it the way it is. So when ever I do cut it I will post pics but I’m not sure when that will be.If my writers block lifts I'll make sure to use it as a paperweight...

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Sketch Up

Hey, Forrest here, I just remembered a program that I really enjoy! It is a free program by Google but for some reason they haven't publicized it much. I think that it is so great! Its called Google sketch up it is a free 3d design program. Here's a link to some of the things I have designed.

hope you like it.

Cheers Forrest

Monday, December 4, 2006

More earth (when will it stop)

Well I could not think of much to post these days so I thought that I would post so more of my book! feel free to tell me what you think. I'm still in edit mode so I can change things if they seem reasonable.

where we left off:
Johan waited until the man was out of site and then quickly herded the sheep down the hill.
Here we go: He quickly drove the sheep into the pen. He then pulled the skin that served as a door to the little hut back. He motioned to his mother who was sitting inside. Both Johan and his mother ran towards the edge of the woods by their house. Johan bent down and opened a cleverly hidden hole in the ground. Inside there was a bag of money and two bark backpacks. Johan and his mother each took one. Johan grabbed the money and headed towards the cellar. Once he was inside the cellar he grabbed as much food as he could fit in to the back pack. Then he grabbed a box of candles, and a box of matches. As he went up the steps he heard his mother come out of the hut. Then he heard a voice that sent shivers down his spine. The man…he must have forgotten something and had come back.Johan heard him bellow “What are you doing woman?”Johan did not wait a second; he silently put down his backpack and picked up a large stick that was lying on the ground near him. He then walked quietly over to the hut and peeked around the corner. When he saw the man he felt adrenalin surge through his body. He ran forward and drove a swift blow to the back of the man’s head. The man staggered but did not fall. He then turned to see who had hit him. As he came towards Johan, Tessin quickly struck the back of his neck. As the man keeled over Johan shot a look at Tessin. She just smiled and picked up the backpack. “We better get going, before he wakes up.” She said.And so they left. Neither looked back and neither would ever see the small hut again, but they did not care, for there were too many bad memories inside.

end of chapter 1

Saturday, December 2, 2006

ms paint god!!!!

This guy is so crazy! I could only hope to have a hundredth of this guy’s talent

I just thought this was so cool!

cheers, forrest

Hair cut

IMG_0258, originally uploaded by magicfap.

Hey, here is a picture of my hair right now! I will be making this my avatar soon since my avatar right now is very outdated. When I actually get around to getting my hair cut I will post picks.

cheers, Forrest

A couple of cool websites you should go to!

A couple of cool websites you should go to!
I just was looking for some cool websites and I found a great list here's some of the highlights. You may have seen some of these but here you go! (online chatting interface! no downloads) (online office apps)

I'll change the post if I find any more!cheers, Forrest


Good morning, I was just trying to think about what I was going to post next, so I went to my bookmarks and found one that I think is really cool. It is a website that, you can answer R&D questions for money. I thought I would tell everyone about it because everyone loves money =)!

Cheers, Forrest

Friday, December 1, 2006


A while back before I bought my mobiblu cube (mp3 player), I found a very interesting website that I thought was very cool. Just thought I would share it with the blogosphere because this is where I think that music is going!

Cheers, Forrest

Bono's message for World AIDS Day

Here is a video from Bono courtesy of you tube. Again just to get you thinking. Have a good day, Forrest

World AIDS Day

As you may have noticed, there is now a red ribbon in the corner of your screen. This ribbon is to get people thinking about what an impact AIDS has had on the world. Over 60,000 people in the UK only, and over 35 million in the world today are living with AIDS, most are from Africa. Over 7,000 people are diagnosed each year. And finally, every minute a child is orphaned by AIDS. I hope that this has made you think about the world you live in, and maybe even to try and find a way to make it better. If you want to know more, just click the title of this post.

Thank you,

Forrest (there to make you think)

Companion Website

Hey I just added a new companion website! FTSOC(this time not in 3d) AS I said there I feel as though I needed to give back to the wonderful world that we call THE INTERNET! So I got a Gmail account and made a page using page creator! It worked great. So I hope you like it

cheers, Forrest