Thursday, November 30, 2006


good morning!

it's another late start day so I decided to work on my writing a little, so here it is, the first small part of my new book Earth. I hope you like it.

Johan woke to the sound of the sheep bleating. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and sat up to see what had happened. While he was asleep the clouds over head had slowly swirled and amassed into a threatening dark cloud bank overhead. Johan sat up and called for his dog Arill. As he drove the sheep down the hill, he paused to button up his jacket, the cold season was beginning. He drove the sheep under the shelter to keep them out of the coming storm. As he trudged towards the house he could hear the distant thunder and see the flash of lightning in the distance. He left his crop by the door, pulled back the skin, and stepped inside........

there will be more!

cheers, Forrest

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