Thursday, November 30, 2006

Earth Update

...and stepped inside. There was someone seated in the chair by the table but he did not greet them, he went to the fire and warmed his hands. Then he sat down on the floor (for there were no chairs). He shivered as the door opened again, this time he did look up, standing in the doorway was a middle aged woman. She had long amber hair and a sad smile. Johan jumped up and embraced the woman. He was much taller then her and made her seem very fragile in comparison. Tessin, for that was her name, smiled at him and asked him how he was.

"I am doing all the better for seeing you, my beautiful mother." He replied

Heres the next bit =)

cheers, Forrest

ps. When I finish the first chapter I will post it on the web and give you guys a link to download it!


Anonymous said...

You have me intrigued, can't wait to
onon ginlrub

Forrest said...

I'll be writing soon!
infact i'm writing now!

love forrest

Anonymous said...

And I too wait for more...a good story is like gold, and you have the potential to be a gold-spinner!
