Thursday, November 30, 2006


Well it took me a while of searching but it seems that i have found the perfect poll!

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Earth Update2

Here is a bit more to keep you interested. I probobly wont post the whole book on the blog pice by pice like this because it would take hundreds of blog posts for just 20 pages of text. I will post a link to the first chapter and any other writing I have added to it in a word dock.

here you go:

The man sitting at the table said "Boy, get me a bottle of beer"

Johan turned away form his mother, lifted the flap of the door, and went out. As he walked down the cellar steps, he cursed the man. For the man in the small cramped house had never treated anyone well in his life. he reached the floor of the cellar and grabbed an empty bottle off the shelf. he shook it out to make sure there were no spiders and filled it from a keg by the door. He climbed the steps and opened the door to the small hut. He handed the drink to the man and sat down on the floor. His mother handed him a bowl full of stew. Johan hungrily ate the food. He was thinking hard so he didn't hear the man call for him.

"I said come-ere"

"Sorry" Johan said as he jumped to his feet.

"Get me a piece of bread, Boy"

Johan got up and went down to the cellar for a piece of bread, he would get away, he thought, away from the man, and when he could he would bring his mother.
After returning with the bread he finished his dinner in silence. After dinner, the man lit up one of his nasty cigars and put his feet up. Johan and his mother went outside to escape the putrid smell of the smoke. Johan and his mother talked into the night about what they were going to do. Finally in the middle of the night they came to a conclusion and went in to the hut to sleep for as long as time would permit.

When Johan woke in the morning it was still dark. He could already feel fatigue taking over his body, he had only had four maybe five hours of sleep.

Johan grabbed his crop from by the door, whistled to Arill his dog, and went to the shelter. He let the sheep out and drove them up the hill to a place where he could see the small hut. He waited as the sheep grazed in the hills until the man walked out of the house and down the road to go gamble away all of their hard earned money. Johan waited until the man was out of site and then quickly herded the sheep down the hill....

to be continued!

cheers, Forrest

Earth Update

...and stepped inside. There was someone seated in the chair by the table but he did not greet them, he went to the fire and warmed his hands. Then he sat down on the floor (for there were no chairs). He shivered as the door opened again, this time he did look up, standing in the doorway was a middle aged woman. She had long amber hair and a sad smile. Johan jumped up and embraced the woman. He was much taller then her and made her seem very fragile in comparison. Tessin, for that was her name, smiled at him and asked him how he was.

"I am doing all the better for seeing you, my beautiful mother." He replied

Heres the next bit =)

cheers, Forrest

ps. When I finish the first chapter I will post it on the web and give you guys a link to download it!


good morning!

it's another late start day so I decided to work on my writing a little, so here it is, the first small part of my new book Earth. I hope you like it.

Johan woke to the sound of the sheep bleating. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and sat up to see what had happened. While he was asleep the clouds over head had slowly swirled and amassed into a threatening dark cloud bank overhead. Johan sat up and called for his dog Arill. As he drove the sheep down the hill, he paused to button up his jacket, the cold season was beginning. He drove the sheep under the shelter to keep them out of the coming storm. As he trudged towards the house he could hear the distant thunder and see the flash of lightning in the distance. He left his crop by the door, pulled back the skin, and stepped inside........

there will be more!

cheers, Forrest

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I have been meaning to write a movie or a book for a long time. I thought that I could use FTSOC to get the gears going. Maybe if I feel as thought I need to get something cranked out I won't just write a page of text and then start something new. I've got a few things in the works so maybe i will start posting it soon!

thanks for the support!

cheers, Forrest

Guest book

I was thinking of adding a guest book, so whenever I get around to it you can sign in and I will know that you have come! Just thought I would throw that out and see what you think.Then we could star a community (as my voice echoes off of the long dark unfilled room (note to self: tell people that you have a blog))if I think of anything else I'll post it later.

got to go

cheers, Forrest

Game Maker

I just thought I would share this with the public. Game Maker is a great program that I found a while back. It is a free and easy to use game programming computer program. (You can register for $20 and make 3d games if you want) it works remarkably well considering it's free. I just went to the website and tried out the tutorials and now I feel like an expert. If I can I will put up a link to the very simple games I have programmed using it (they're exe files)!

Snow =)

So far this week every day has been late start! It is a wonder full thing because a couple of hours in the morning gives me time to do things like post this blog entry! When I woke up this morning I looked out the window and was sure that it was not going to be a late start day. All of the ice melted yesterday during the day so I thought that snow overnight would be the only cause of ice possible. It didn't snow but here I am at home! I guess I should thank the school district for spreading in to snowier places. Well I'll stop rambling and let you get back to your life. If I think of, or find, anything interesting the blogosphere will be the first to know!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Google Talk

I just downloaded Google talk on to my computer so that i can chat with everyone... that is if I knew any one with google talk. If you are reading this (witch you probobly wont be for a long time since i just started my blog today) then leve your google talk or skype name as a comment and mabee we can talk! any ways i should go finish the installer for it.

cheers, Forrest

Damn interesting

For my next blog post I thought would share my new find with the blogging public. i found this while doing an assignment for my world history class. My teacher Mr. O'Neill gave us an assignment that i thought was totally random ( can you find what is common between giant centipedes and the Ebola virus... neither can I). Then as I researched I realized that 2 of the websites I had gotten info off of were one and the same. I thought what I was looking up was interesting so I went to the main page to bookmark it and low and behold it was another one of the things I hade to search for. I looked around the site a bit and thought it looked cool so thought I would share it with you.I

cheers, Forrest

New to this

Hey it me and I just thought that I would post something to try this out... I'm new to this blog thing so I thought I would just talk about what’s been going on in my life and what I am interested in at this time. You may not know this about me but I am a very random person... I am always doing something new.Here is a list of all of the things I've been doing lately.magic (this seams to be the only on going passion)instructables (I check it every day) you can check out my stuff at docs (I'm working on a TV show called odd points in history)blogger (obviously I’m starting a blog!)