Friday, December 1, 2006

World AIDS Day

As you may have noticed, there is now a red ribbon in the corner of your screen. This ribbon is to get people thinking about what an impact AIDS has had on the world. Over 60,000 people in the UK only, and over 35 million in the world today are living with AIDS, most are from Africa. Over 7,000 people are diagnosed each year. And finally, every minute a child is orphaned by AIDS. I hope that this has made you think about the world you live in, and maybe even to try and find a way to make it better. If you want to know more, just click the title of this post.

Thank you,

Forrest (there to make you think)


Edgewalker said...

While I do sympathize with anyone carrying a deadly disease, I feel like nothing is actually being done to find a cure. Treatment options appear to be more of the trend in the scientific community unfortunatly, I mean, think about it. There just isn't any money to be made in a cure. Now there's planty of money to be made on upkeep medications and treatments... :( I'm a diabetic myself and honestly I've given up on the idea that anyone will ever cure this disease. Sad. Anyway, I'll pop by your site more. I'm looking for new blog friends. Feel free to drop by mine and comment or criticize anything.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I heard that over 34 million people across the world today are living with HIV. Check out NPR's story:

It makes me proud to see you thinking about the wider world, how you fit in it, and what you can do to make it a better place for all of us. Thinking beyond yourself is a step towards becoming a complete person.

Forrest said...


thanks for finding me, I plan on looking at your blog as often as you can.
