Friday, December 8, 2006

palendromes s emo dnelap

So recently I was listening to a song by Weird Al called Bob. I remember when I first heard the song I thought that it was a weird song. Then I realized that the whole thing was palindromes.I mean who would have guessed that "rats live on no evil star" was a palindromeI just think that anyone that can come up with a palindrome must be incredibly smart. Then my mom showed me a website with the world’s longest palindrome. I think that this must be the most amazing thing I have ever seen... I don’t know I think it’s pretty cool. If you know any interesting ones then you should post them in a comment so that others can enjoy them.

cheers forrest (tserrof sreech)

1 comment:

Edgewalker said...

wow... that's a LONG Palendrome.

It's cool to see something like that, although I think whoever can come up with crazy stuff that long aught to get outside once and a while.
