Tuesday, November 28, 2006

New to this

Hey it me and I just thought that I would post something to try this out... I'm new to this blog thing so I thought I would just talk about what’s been going on in my life and what I am interested in at this time. You may not know this about me but I am a very random person... I am always doing something new.Here is a list of all of the things I've been doing lately.magic (this seams to be the only on going passion)instructables (I check it every day) you can check out my stuff at http://www.instructables.com/member/Magicfap/google docs (I'm working on a TV show called odd points in history)blogger (obviously I’m starting a blog!)


Anonymous said...

Hi Forrest! This blog is a remarkable thing. I continued to be amazed with the things you accomplish and learn how to do on your own. You are my hero.

I will be an avid reader of your blog; I hope you keep it up. I'm fascinated to read about all the things you're thinking about or planning or discovering. You have an amazing mind!

I am your biggest fan.

Your pal Fishpelt :))

P.S. make sure to work on that spelling!

Forrest said...

Hey, papa thanks for the comment i hope you will read my blog often! I love you soo much